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Friday, April 27, 2018

I'm alright in bed, but I'm better with a pen

"Saudade" by Jackie Cannon Reeves

I am not broken by these events. I am simply more on the defense.
Offense. Offend. Try to comprehend how I apprehend the offenders of me.
Of peace. Of ease. Self-Righteous disease.
There’s no rhyme or reason why it’s not my season. So I sit and wait.  
Contemplate. Commiserate with wine.
I find my mind is designed
To unwind in a spiral.
I know that I will be the one to overthink
Over drink, I'm on the brink of
Not a breakdown but a breakthrough. I see the truth. I see you. 
I see that you've made a choice that you have never voiced. So now I am poised...
Prepared, and ready
To put feet to my faith if I can keep these hands steady. So I swipe open my phone
(why am I sweating) 
and click on your name. I start typing and press send, hoping to finally end the game. 
But I am wrong. 
Your response is the same old song, the same old dance
Your final request for just one more chance, one more try, I don't even bother to ask you why, 
I just say yes, I acquiesce, and let you kill me all over again. 
And again.
And again.
A beautiful end. Death disguised as a friend. As a lover. A betrayal whose depths I have yet to discover. 
I am not broken by these events. I am simply more on the defense. 
Or so I thought. I think I am caught. Found out. On display. My face a mask of shame. 
Because I knew what I was doing, I know what I have done. 
But now I can't tell if it was worth what I've won.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Let's Get it On

30 Song Post Challenge- #25: A Song That Makes You Laugh: Afternoon Delight

Presented without comment...

Skyrockets in flight..

Monday, February 19, 2018

Love Lies Bleeding

30 Song Post Challenge- #24: A Song That You Want to Play at Your Funeral:  "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" by Elton John and Bernie Taupin, as sung by Sara Barielles

I think about my funeral often, but not about the people that will be there or what will be playing. I think about what happens afterwards. Will I want to be buried? Cremated? Scattered to the ocean or the mountains? kept on a shelf? Made into a necklace? 

This wandering heart has never felt entirely mine, nor entirely real. there's a clinical term for that.
Dissociation. When I have left a job, I don't feel the devastation that others seem to endure. 95 % of my breakups happened without a tear shed. I bet that is surprising. there is a very real, very cold side to me. My brain burns hot, my heart beats cold. This may be why I am designated disaster coordinator everywhere I go. In a crisis, I am logical, calculated, wits about me, detail oriented, and methodical. It's in the therebetween that my brain will always take me to the soft places.

That may also be why when I am hurt, it lingers. Because it takes so very much to break through this thick skin of mine. I was raised in hate, bitterness, and spite. The only compliments given were the backhanded kind. No good night kisses. no I love you's. To this day, it sounds awkward coming out of my mother's mouth when she says it to my daughter. And I say it every day, in every way, to both the hubby and the kiddo. We hug, kiss, laugh, and write each other love notes. My world looked nothing like that as a child. But in a strange way, I am grateful for it. It toughened me up. I didn't need verbal approval from adults. I didn't seek it in my lovers. I learned to be enough for ME.

This song is all of that in one. I'm not a show pony that you bring out to impress those around you. I could pretend and blend in to just about any environment. It's a gift really. Just put on the face and say the words. Smile, but the trick is, you have to mean it. I was always the smartest kid int he room, and that was the thing my parents likes to show off. the teachers liked to trot me out and prove they must be doing something right because when everyone else got it wrong and had complaints, I had the answer. The boyfriends knew that I would always have a good comeback and that I could hold my own inn any game, console or board or drinking. Balancing my childhood feelings of worthlessness and the ability to be everyone's champion has been a life long struggle.

The Yellow Brick Road for me is the path that I would have walked had I never found faith in myself. Saying goodbye to that has given my life purpose. Through all the scary times, the struggle, the fear, the uncertainty, it's all been astronomically better than the soul-numbing path that was set before me. some people are built for that. Simple, expected, peaceful, and easy. I'm happier with the rough and tumble of who I am inside. I like the adventure. It's familiar, because it's the life I was meant to live.

When are you gonna come down
When are you going to land
I should have stayed on the farm
I should have listened to my old man
You know you can't hold me forever
I didn't sign up with you
I'm not a present for your friends to open
This boy's too young to be singing the blues

What do you think you'll do then
I bet that'll shoot down the plane
It'll take you a couple of vodka and tonics
To set you on your feet again
Maybe you'll get a replacement
There's plenty like me to be found
Mongrels who ain't got a penny
Sniffing for tidbits like you on the ground

So goodbye yellow brick road
Where the dogs of society howl
You can't plant me in your penthouse
I'm going back to my plough
Back to the howling old owl in the woods
Hunting the horny back toad
Oh I've finally decided my future lies
Beyond the yellow brick road...

Sunday, February 18, 2018

You Don't Know Me

30 Song Post Challenge- #23: A Song That You Want To Play at Your Wedding: "Come Rain or Come Shine" as recorded in 1959 by Ray Charles, originally written by Arlen and Mercer for the musical St Louis Woman

I'm gonna love you, like no one loves you
Come rain or come shine
High as a mountain, deep as a river
Come rain or come shine
I guess when you met me
It was just one of those things
But don't ever bet me
'Cause I'm gonna be true if you let me
You gonna love me, like no one love me
Come rain or come shine
Happy together, unhappy together
Wouldn't it be fine
Days may be cloudy or sunny
We're in or we are out of the money, yeah
But I'm with you always
I'm with you rain or shine
You gonna love me, like nobody's loved me
Come rain or come shine
Happy together, unhappy together
Wouldn't it be fine
Days may be cloudy or sunny
We're in or we are out of the money, yeah
I'm with you always
I'm with you rain or shine

Marriage is not easy. It is a choice, and it is work. But it is magical. Every disagreement leads to a leveling up of sorts. You get to a point where you know each other more than anyone else ever could. When you have truly seen the ugliest side of each other, the most vulnerable, and the goodness of each other's hearts, there is no going back to to the casual bullshit that we call relationships. I hear people say all of the time that marriage is just a piece of paper. But I know what he and I were before the rings and I know us after, and the difference is palpable. Because we believe in our marriage.

There always needs to be 100% in a marriage, but the trick of it is that it is very rarely a 50/50 split. and that's okay, but each party needs to be honest about what they have to offer at a give time. If I am going through hell, maybe my husband needs to know that I only have 30% to give, and he agrees to make up the difference until I can balance out. When the tables are turned, I do the same for him. We fill in the gaps to be sure that our marriage is at capacity. If I look back at the times that we were in trouble, I can see that we were not covering each other, we were too busy thinking that individually we had given enough. But marriage means that you put the team first. And that is beautiful.

I'm gonna love him, like no one has loved him. happy together, unhappy together, cloudy or sunny, for better or worse, he is mine, and I am his.

Thank God.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Welcome to The Black Parade

30 Song Post Challenge- #22: A Song That You Listen To When You're Sad: "The Ghost of You" by My Chemical Romance

Recovery from this surgery has been hellish. Unforeseen side effects, weird complications, and so much vocal rest that I am basically singing cereal ingredients in my head just to get some release!  But now that things are coming together, the songs are finding their ways out. I've been discussing them with the powers that be, and the excitement is REAL! To be honest, there is more pressure than I would've thought. What I was churning out pre-surgery was exactly what they wanted, so now the bar is raised. Polishing up the stuff that was written while laid up is easy enough and more than satisfactory. It's the new stuff that is worrying me. I like it. but it is all coming out...DARK.

Which makes today's post challenge very easy. When I am sad, when I am in the Dark Place, I am listening to this song, posthaste.

"I never said I'd lie in wait forever
If I died, we'd be together now
I can't always just forget her
But she could try.."

There's a someone out there that haunts me. We had the chance at a family, but God had other plans. no one knows but the two of us. And I think of him in the quiet times.

At the end of the world
Or the last thing I see
You are never coming home, never coming home
Could I? Should I?
And all the things that you never ever told me
And all the smiles that are never ever...

I see his face when I am happy. I see his smile when I smile, wondering if he is laughing somewhere, or if the grey has overtaken him as well. do I call him? No. Write him? I wouldn't dare. Because what if he answered?

Ever...Get the feeling that you're never
All alone and I remember now
At the top of my lungs in my arms she dies
She dies

I carry him in my heart. The wars that we survived help me to survive the present battles.

At the end of the world
Or the last thing I see
You are never coming home, never coming home
Could I? Should I?
And all the things that you never ever told me
And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me
Never coming home, never coming home
Could I? Should I?
And all the wounds that are ever gonna scar me
For all the ghosts that are never gonna...

I've got marks, both physically and emotionally, that tell the story of what we lived through. And why no one can erase you.  Will they always be here? Will they ever fade?

to give up the ghost is defined as to die in a submissive, peaceful fashion; or to die quickly, with finality, often brutally. Publicly, I gave up the ghost with you years ago. Truly, I am still dying, every millisecond. Because of the choices I made. And all I can do is write about it.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Stay Together for The Kids

30 Song Post Challenge- #21: A Song That You Listen To When You're Happy: "The Adventure" Angels & Airwaves

So I maybe had to think much too hard about what I listen to when I am happy. In my best moods, I tend to throw on 50's and 60's tunes, or maybe a little swing music. Something that moves my feet and takes me to the land of sodie pop and sock hops. But when I hear "The Adventure" by Angels & Airwaves, I am happy in a different way. This song takes puts me in a frame of mind where all I can think about is how luck I am to be on the other side of my anxiety and depression. There may not be a cure, but with the tools that I have and the mind set that I maintain, I can stay on the side of recovery.

When I am at my worst, I am drowning in grey clouds, suffocated by melancholy, and all I can see is what I have done to myself. But after much hard work, I feel like I have clawed my way to the sunshine, and I will be damned if I give that up for anyone or any thing. I am still me, but new. I am still me, but able to activate the IDGAF factor that allows me to persevere.

This song is me reaching out to the me that can't figure out all that is possible beyond her own self doubt and worry. at the end, that repeated round of "I cannot live I can't breathe unless you do this with me..." is such a rally cry. ALL IN OR ALL OUT. That's it.

Someone once said to me that you can choose recovery or you can choose your illness. Whatever that may be, whatever your darkness is, you can choose it or recovery. Every choice that you make during any given day, you are choosing one or the other. So when I hear this song, I remind myself that I have to be all in, heart and soul, and go for it anyway!

I want to have the same last dream again, The one where I wake up and I'm alive.
Just as the four walls close me within, My eyes are woken up with pure sunlight.
I'm the first to know. My dearest friends, 
Even if your hope has burned with time,
Anything that's dead shall be re-grown.
And your vicious pain, your warning sign,
You will be fine. Hey Ohh, here I am And here we go, life's waiting to begin.
Any type of love, it will be shown, Like every single tree reached for the sky.
If you're gonna fall, I'll let you know, That I will pick you up, like you for I.
I felt this thing, I can't replace, Where everyone was working for this goal.
Where all the children left without a trace, Only to come back, as pure as gold,
To recite this all?
Hey ohh, here I am
And here we go, life's waiting to begin,

I cannot live, I can't breathe
Unless you do this with me...

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I Ain't Sorry

30 Song Post Challenge- #20:  A Song That You Listen To When You're Angry: "Don't Hurt Yourself" by Beyonce.

I need you to know, I am a Beyonce fan. But when LEMONADE came out, I was coming out of the roughest patch my marriage has ever seen. There were months where we were two people, living around each other. there was a bevy of tiny cuts, cold shoulders, endless bickering, then full on arguments, broken promises, anger, fury, distance, invisibility, pleading, crying, desperation... but there was also joy, understanding, and a deeper connection at the end of all of that.Where we are now looks like a different galaxy than where we were for that first decade of life together.

When we watched LEMONADE together (and yes, we watched it for the first time together in bed, absorbing it frame by frame on it's premier night), we relived every minute in this album. This was absolutely the most grown that Beyonce has ever sounded. She covered all of the timeline that happens in a marriage that has hit a speed bump. You see it happening, but you wonder, is it just me? Everything is fine, right? And then you see it unfolding into what you never thought would happen to you. You did everything the best that you could, and yet, here you are. a cliche. Dealing with some soap opera BS. So you get mad. REAL mad. then you get sad...and then you tell your friends. And you GET FURIOUS.  that hot fury turns cold. and that is this song. This is my cold fury. Who the F*$% do you think I am??????? You think you can do all of this AND keep me???? Think again. Let me show you who you married. and let me show you how you lost me...

Who the fuck do you think I am?
You ain't married to no average bitch boy
You can watch my fat ass twist boy
As I bounce to the next dick boy
And keep your money, I've got my own
Keep a bigger smile on my face, being alone
Bad motherfucker, God complex
Motivate your ass call me Malcolm X
Yo operator, or innovator
Fuck you hater, you can't recreate her no
You'll never recreate her no, hero

I am the dragon breathing fire
Beautiful mane I'm the lion
Beautiful man I know you're lying
I am not broken, I'm not crying, I'm not crying
You ain't trying hard enough
You ain't loving hard enough
You don't love me deep enough
We not reaching peaks enough
Blindly in love, I fucks with you
'Til I realize, I'm just too much for you
I'm just too much for you

Hey baby, who the fuck do you think I am?
I smell that fragrance on your Louis Knit boy
Just give my fat ass a big kiss boy
Tonight I'm fucking up all your shit boy

Uh, this is your final warning
You know I give you life
If you try this shit again
You gonna lose your wife

I listen to this song when I am angry, and it gives me LIFE. I hope it does the same for you....